Regina Drummond

Welcome to my site!

I was born in a family that used to eat and drink books, I grew up in the world of the moon, I studied a lot of crazy things and ended up becoming a professional liar. Don't believe in everything I tell, because neither I know what I've lived or invented. My life is travelling through this world and other worlds, in search of new things. Sometimes I have to pack and drag my bags, but most part of the time I'm free to live a thousand adventures, catching ideas around and fishing the fantasies that will decorate the stories I love to write.


My works have been awarded with outstanding prizes such as:

Nominated for the "Jabuti Prize" – CBL

Category "Young People"
Work "Quando tudo muda", alongside with Shirley Souza
Panda Books – 2017
Label "Acervo Básico"

Category "Text"
Work "Lobisomem e Outros Seres da Escuridão"
Panda Books - 2015

Label "Altamente Recomendável" - FNLIJ

Category "Translation"
Work "Immi" by Karin Littlewood
FTD Publishers - 2013
Label "Acervo Básico" – FNLIJ

Category "Adaptation"
Work "Andersen e suas Histórias"
Ave-Maria Publishers - 2006
Label "Acervo Básico" – FNLIJ

Category "Text"
Work "Chá das Cinco"
Ave-Maria Publishers - 2006
Label "Acervo Básico" – FNLIJ

Category "Adaptation"
Work "Histórias da Bíblia para Jovens"
Saraiva Publishers – 2004
"Jabuti Prize" as a Publisher – CBL

Category "Produção Editorial de Livro Infantil e Juvenil"
Work "Muzzy" by Paula Valéria
Apel Publishers - 1989

* FNLIJ (Fundação Nacional do Livro Infantil e Juvenil, the Brazilian session on the IBBY, International Board in Books by Young People)

Work in Highlight

The World through the Window
Illustrated by Thais Linhares
Duna Dueto Publishing House
21 x 21 - 16 pages
recommended for children up to 5

To see the world by the window has a literal meaning, but also another, more subjective, which would be think the book as a window to the world. In doubt, keep both of them. The text is a poem in rhyming verses.

I just signed some contracts with the LENDARI publishing house.
Wait a little. Lot of nice books are coming...!

For Publishers
(select the language below)

Dear publishers,

Here I want to show you my work and offer you it for being translated in your language. You will find chapters, explanations or part of them in English and German but they are not a book yet - this is just for your appreciation.

If you need the book or PDF of one of them, you just have to ask for. If you have some questions, please let me know.

Thank you and best regards,

Regina Drummond
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